Welcome to Dragonflies and Damselflies of Cambodia Due
to personel reasons this homepage will not anylonger be updated.
Thanks for visiting my homepage. All the best to you.
Hanns-Jürgen Roland
distribution of the Dragonfly- and Damselfly-species in Cambodia is poorly
known. While the “Atlas of the Dragonflies of Thailand” (1999) shows over 300
species and “Checklist of Dragonfly from Vietnam” (2006) mentions over 230
species for Cambodia only about 112 species have been recorded so far. Only 17
references mentioning at least one Dragonfly in Cambodia with more or less exact locations has
been found so far.
Details about these reports you find here.
With this
website, I want to promote Odonatology in Cambodia and share my knowledge with
you. So far only one native
Cambodian, Ms Sanh Sophoan a birdwatching-guide from the Sam Vaesna Center,
reported a new species for the country. When you visit the country or when you are living
there, make photos of these beautiful insects and send them to me together with
the geographic coordinates. Each photo will add to the knowledge of the
distribution of Dragonflies in Cambodia. All data used here can be provided
as dbase- or excel-files. Just contact me.
Hanns-Jürgen Roland
Im Mühlahl 35
61203 Reichelsheim Germany

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